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Ahr | Hour How many ahrs drive is it to Marlington? |
Ahwnt | Aunt Ahwnt Ida is on the telephone. |
Am-Bew-Lance | Ambulance Quick, call an am-bew-lance. |
A-mite | A Little You're lookin' a-mite peak-ed today. |
Arthur-itis | Arthritis Mamaw's arthur-itis is really actin' up. |
Askeered | Frightened I was askeered so much by that movie that I got chill bumps. |
Bar | Bear Lines, Tagers and Bars; Oh my. |
Battree | Battery Papaw's battree is daid. |
Beholden | In Debt or Owe I don't want to be beholden to you. |
Biggity | Egotistical Ol' Joe is acting biggity agin. |
Blinky | Spoiled The sweet milk has gone blinky. |
Bondo | Auto body work While Bondo is actually a brand name, it has become the generic name for all fiberglass and putty based body filler. Real Bondo is distinguished by the tell-tale pink color found on many vehicles. I've got to slap on some bondo to pass the state inspection. |
Book Read | Educated Johnny's gone to college -- he's book read. |
Borned | Born I'm borned agin. |
Briggity | Egotistical Ol' Joe is really briggity. |
Briggity Britches | An epithet for an egotistical person. Hey briggity britches. |
Brother'n | Bretheran Dear Brother'n and Sister'n. |
Chaw | A plug of chewing tobacco. And Papaw gave me sugars with a big chaw in his mouth. |
Chill Bumps | Goose Pimples or Goose Flesh I was askeered so much by that movie that I got chill bumps. |
Cheer | Chair Pull up a cheer and set a spell. |
Choirpractor | Chiropractor I'm down in the back, so I'm a goin' to the choirpractor. |
Clever Folks | Hospitable Polly and Joe are shore clever folks. |
Co-cola | Coca Cola or any other brown soft drink Is that co-cola yourin or mine? |
Collar | Color The collar of Mary's dress is blue. |
Colt | Cold It sure is colt outside. |
Crick | Creek-usually a river or stream, but always referred to as a crick Let's go swimmin' in the crick. Submitted by Norma Holdren of Ohio, formerly of Montgomery, Fayette County. |
Crick | Stiffness I've got a crick in my neck. |
Cuzints | Cousins Them's our cuzints. Submitted by Norma Holdren of Ohio, formerly of Montgomery, Fayette County. |
Daid | Dead Papaw's battree is daid. |
Decoration Day | Memorial Day We visited the cemetery on Decoration Day. |
Doin's | Function or Activity Thar's a big doin's down at the church tonight. |
Draw-ling | Drawing I don't know if this is a regionalism or not, but the WV Lottery announcer says this frequently. Tonight's WV Lottery daily draw-ling is 3 - 4 - 5. |
Dub-ya | "W" My favorite radio station is Dub-ya Q-B-E. |
Eat Up Ate Up | Completely Infected Papaw's ate up with the cancer. |
Elm | "M" The thirteenth letter of the alphabet. Dial Elm for Murder is on TV tonight. |
Extry | Extra Pass me that thar extry pork chop. |
Far | Fire The whole mountains on far. |
Fast Time | Daylight Savings Time I can't get used to this fast time. |
Floories | Flurries Is it snowing hard? Nope, just floories. |
Flustered | Frustrated I'm flustered because of that civil service exam. |
Grandchurn | Grandchildren Jim Bob, Mary Sue and Billy Joe are my grandchurn. |
Grit | Redneck Mary Ellen is dating a real grit. |
Gully Washer | Torrential Rain Last night, we had a real gully washer. |
Haid | Head Mamaw don't got nary a tooth in her haid. |
Haint | Ghost (from haunt) I'm askeered I'll see a haint. |
Hard | Hired Luke wuz Grampa McCoy's hard hand. |
His People Her People | Relatives His people come from Wyoming County. |
Het | Upset Now don't let it git you all het up 'bout it. |
Hisself | Himself Joey built that outbuildin' all by hisself. |
Hojous | Hideous That mean old man is just plain hojous. |
Holloween | Halloween I'm dressing as a haint for Holloween. |
Ideal | Idea That's a good ideal. |
Ink Pin | Pen Hand me the ink pin. |
Kin | Related Jim Bob is kin to me. |
Kroakie | Karaoke I'm a going out to do some kroakie singin'. |
Least | Youngest Ahwt Betty is Mamaw's least child. |
Liberry | Library I'm a goin' to the liberry. |
Lick | Not One/Any Fred doesn't have a lick of sense. |
Line | Lion Lines, Tagers and Bars; Oh my. |
Mabscott | Mascot Used in the Beckley area and probably influenced by the town named after Mabel Scott -- Mabscott The Shady High School mabscott is a tager. |
Mamaw | Grandmother We're goin' to Mamaw's house. |
Meemaw | Great-Grandmother Meemaw is eighty year old. |
Meer | Mirror I'd seed myself in that full length meer and I thought I seed a haint. |
Mess | A Lot Mamaw cooked up a mess o' pinto beans. |
Motor | Automobile Engine Billy burnt up the motor in Papaw's truck. |
Neckkid | Naked He was runnin' 'round neckkid. |
Oldtimer's | Alzheimer's Papaw has oldtimer's disease. |
Outbuild'n | Any Detached Structure I keep my weedeater in the outbuild'n. |
Outsider | A non southern West Virginian I wouldn't trust him cause he's an outsider. |
Pacific | Specific I wanted to know what pacific thing I had to do. |
Painter | Panther or Mountain Lion A painter killed our chickens. |
Papaw | Grandfather Papaw lives up the holler from us. |
Parts | Neighborhood Its been a while since he's been in these parts. |
Peak-ed | Pale or Sickly You're lookin' a-mite peaked today. |
Peepaw | Great-Grandfather Peepaw is ninety-seven. |
Pizen | Poison A copperhead is a pizen snake. |
Plain Spoken | Honest or Genuine You can trust Billy Joe cause he's plain spoken. |
Poca | Polka a type of non indigenous music and its corresponding dance found occasionally at weddings I really like poca music. |
Poke | A Bag or a Sack Put my groceries in a poke. |
Polecat | Skunk You can smell that polecat a mile away. |
Pony-ack | Pontiac Daddy drives a Pony-ack. |
Put Out | Angry or Upset Ol' He was shore put out 'bout the meetin' at the Babdist church. |
Quietus | A punishment that will ensure that you are quiet Iffen you don't hush, I'll put a quietus on you. |
Quite | Quiet Its so quite, you can hear the grass grow. |
Ramp | Ramp -- a very odious wild mountain leek. We're a goin' to the ramp dinner. |
Red Light Stop Light | Traffic Signal Just make a left at the red light up yonder. |
Schoolin' | An Education Bob's had some schoolin'. |
Simular | Similar West Virginians are simular to Kentuckians. |
Sister'n | Sisters Dear Brother'n and Sister'n. |
Skittish | Nervous Gettin' up in front of folks sure makes me skittish. |
Slicky Slide | Slide (on a playground) Bobby Jo fell off the slicky slide. |
Slow Time | Eastern Standard Time I can't get used to this slow time. |
Smack Dab | In the middle of or right on target And then, Billy hit Jim Bob smack dab in the nose. |
Smarts | Hurts That really smarts. |
Son | An address to any male to whom you are speaking. He doesn't have to be related. Now son, let me tell you how to paint a house. |
Stove Eye | Electric Stove Heating Element You'll get burnt iffen you touch the stove eye. |
Spell | A while. Put up a cheer and set a spell. |
Spell | Being Lightheaded or Dizzy. Mamaw! Come quick! Papaw's having' a spell. |
Sugars | Kisses Come and give Papaw sugars. |
Summerset | Sommersault Look at the young'ens doin' summersets. |
Sweet Milk | Whole Milk Just get ya a big glass of sweet milk. |
Tager | Tiger Lines, Tagers and Bars; Oh my. |
Tarred | Tired I'm so tarred, I'm plumb wore out. |
Taters | Potatoes Hand me them thar taters. |
Terrapin Turpin | Land Turtle Ahwtn Ida ran over a terrapin. |
Thar | There Thar's a pizen snake quilled up over yonder. |
Thars | His / Hers That last piece of cornbread is thars. |
Tejous | Tedious Cleaning out the outbuild'n is tejous work. |
Thee-ater | Theatre We're gwin to the movie thee-ater. |
Them Thar | Those Hand me them thar taters. |
The Wife | My Wife or Your Wife I got to get home to the wife. How are you and the wife? |
Toboggan | Stocking Cap Its a-mite chilly, so wear your toboggan. |
Towhead | Blonde Who is that towheaded boy? |
Ungyun | Onion Go up to Whal-Marts n' gitsum ungyuns. Submitted by Norma Holdren of Ohio, formerly of Montgomery, Fayette County. |
Wrastlin' | Wrestling Davy is on the wrastlin' team. |
Year | Years Meemaw is eighty year old. |
Yonder | There Thar's a pizen snake quilled up over yonder. |
Young'ens | Children I brung the young'ens. |
Yourin | Yours Is that co-cola yourin or mine? |
© 1997 Hillbonics Preservation Society