A | untranslated (the article used with a verb) I'm a goin' to the store. I'm a readin' the newspaper. |
Agin' | Again Iffen you peart off to me agin, I'm goin' to whup you. |
'Ary | Not A One Mamaw don't got 'ary a tooth in her haid. |
Atter While | After While We'll see you atter while. |
A Ways | A Distance Sue lives a ways from here. |
Blowed Up | Blew up Blown up Just then, the outbuildin' blowed up. |
Fur Piece | A Great Distance Papaw lives a fur piece from here. |
Getgo Gitgo | At the Start of At the Beginning Billy was never no good in school from the getgo! Submitted by Donnie Austin of Fayetteville |
Hesh up | Be quiet Now young'en, hesh up. |
How Do | Hello From how do you do. How do friend. |
Iffen | If Iffen you know what I mean. |
Izzahso | Is that so. Joe in a wreck; izzahso. |
Monday A Week Tuesday A Week etc. | Next Monday Next Tuesday etc. Mamaw's got a doctor's appointment Monday a week. |
Nary | Not A One Mamaw don't got nary a tooth in her haid. |
Ought Not | Better Not You ought not be messin' with my things. |
Peart Off | Smart Off Iffen you peart off to me agin, I'm goin' to whup you. |
Petered Out | Exhausted I'm plumb petered out. |
Prit-near | Very Close To from pretty near That snake was prit-near our front porch. |
Ri'chear | Right Here Ahwnt Ida lives up the holler ri'chear. |
Shore | Sure It sure is colt outside. |
T'aint | There Isn't T'aint no taters in the poke. |
Tuckered Out | Exhausted I'm plumb tuckered out. |
T'uther | The Other Its either one or t'uther. |
Wore Out | Worn Out. The motor in Papaw's truck is plumb wore out. |
© 1997 Hillbonics Preservation Society